P006 Honarable mention Plaster Award Palmstraat Utrecht transformation garage into house


European Plaster Award, European Conference of Leading Architects: (ECOLA)

Honourable Mention
1st category: renovation / conversion / preservation of historical monuments
(projectnr. 127 Conversion of store to dwellings, streetfacade

Reasons for the jury's award

The jury praised the restrained way in which the architects had given the facade of the building its own distinctive appearance between the neighbouring buildings. The colour of the plaster follows the colours of the joins with the adjoining facades. The pronounced difference in the position and proportion of certain openings contrasts with the structure of the adjoining building in an astonishingly harmonious way. In particular, the jury praised the effect of surprise created by the building within its surroundings. 


Members of the jury

Herman Hertzberger
Architectuurstudio Herman Herzberger, Amsterdam

Peter Brückner
Brückner & Brückner Architekten, Würzburg

Uni. Prof. Arch. Di. Klaus Kada
Klaus Kada Architecte, Graz

Jürgen G. Hilger
Chairman of the German Plasterers‘ Trade Association

Jochen Stotmeister
Chairman of Sto AG

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